Blockchain Technology and its Emerging Opportunities


So much has been said about Blockchain in recent times but in this masterclass we'll be looking at Blockchain from different perspectives. What is Blockchain and what opportunities does it present apart from cryptocurrency? In this upcoming Masterclass, Neji shall be taking us through Blockchain Technology and the emerging opportunities it presents in this decade. […]

Tech Entrepreneurship: Emerging Opportunities in Changing Times


Are you an investor looking to be a part of a Tech related business? Do you own a Tech startup? or are interested in starting a Tech related business?There is a great opportunity for you at our Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubation Workgroup. We are looking to collaborate with individuals (Accountants, Lawyers, Software Engineers, Investors, Product […]

Flourish In Canada: Success Strategies for New Immigrants


Moving to a new country can be challenging. From settling into unfamiliar territory, to getting a job in your field of expertise – navigating through these challenges might seem daunting. At NIPCA, with the availability of teeming professionals who are willing to share relevant knowledge, sound advice, experiences and connections in a burgeoning professional community, […]

Overcoming Obstacles: Thrive Beyond Your Imagination!


At the core of NIPCA’s strategic objective is the empowerment of members of its ecosystem to accelerate, grow and advance their career and entrepreneurial goals. Entrepreneurship development is a key strategy to combat unemployment, inequities, and systemic racism in our society. It builds and improves Representation, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in our workplaces and communities.. […]

Taking your job search experience from “just ok” to Intentional


How do you search for a job like a Pro? There are lots of tools, intricacies and strategies that are needed at this time to enable you land your dream Job. In this Masterclass, Adijat will be taking us through the unwritten tips to navigate the ever evolving job market

Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)


This session would cover: Overview of Databases Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) Data Manipulation using Microsoft SQL Server DB

Cloud & Cyber Security Consulting in Canada


How to start Cloud & Cyber Security Career: What to learn, Acquiring knowledge, Areas of Cyber Security, Specialization. How to start working with/for the government. Methods: Employee, Term position, Consultant Important Notes: Agencies, Corporation, Taxes & Accountant, Investment